"Boost your confidence, conquer the game!"

Mental Toughness for Teen Athletes: Mental Health

A Parents Guide for helping Teens gain Confidence, Self-Esteem, and Well-being on and off the field.



As a parent of a former elite-level student-athlete, LD Harris understands the mental and physical challenges teen athletes face. Utilizing her professional experiences as a teacher, personal trainer, and Division 1 Sports Performance and Nutrition Counselor paired with her personal experiences as a parent, LD Harris was compelled to create this unique guide for parents of teen athletes.

In this book, you will discover:

  • holistic approach to helping teen athletes improve their mental health.
  • Tried, tested, and successful strategies for supporting your teen athlete.
  • Methods of empowering your teen athletes to help themselves.
  • How to set reasonable goals with your teen athlete.
  • Effective coaching for your teen athlete.
  • Communication techniques for one of the most difficult parenting times-the teen years!
  • Warning signs your teen athlete may struggle with their mental and physical health.

Even if you feel your teen “doesn’t need you anymore,” there are many ways embedded in this book to help your teen athlete subtly without losing our collective parenting minds. 🙂 After all, we all want what’s best for our kids.

Get started today by clicking the “Buy Now” button.


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Audio Book Available

The author's books are also available in audio format, along with paperback editions, on Amazon.